How our assembly service and chip procurement service works
1 mm pin pitch Flexible Printed Circuit (Flexible Flat Cable) Connector to DIP (300 mil body, 0.1 inch pin pitch) SMT Adapter. Designed to accept connectors with 40 pins or less.
Board dimensions: 22.86 x 52.07 x 1.6 mm (0.9 x 2.05 x 0.0625 inches).
PCB construction: FR-4 UL94V-0. PCB operating temperature range: -40C to +130C. PCB reflow maximum temperature: +260C. PCB Assembly standard: IPC-A-610 Class II.
Top side of board fits surface mount connector footprint. Bottom side of PCB has pads for two single row surface mount vertical headers.
This board uses our surface mount male vertical headers, Proto-Advantage part number: HDR100IMP40M-G-V-SM, which are included.
Datasheet: FPC100P040 (pdf)
Please note: "Pins and Connector Assembled" option does not include the SMT connector. You can ship us your connector, or we can procure it for you direct from Digikey. Please call 1-888-880-0297 for details.
Application Note: AN0002: Pin Assembly Instructions for Proto Advantage Adapters (pdf)
Video showing how to use our pin technology:
Soldering the pins:
The pin rows are held the correct distance apart (either 0.3" or 0.6") using an assembly helper PCB, which comes standard with all orders where the "Unassembled, Pins Included" option is selected.